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  • Create a free account

Unique Marketplace Platform : To buy, sell, supply, expose or promote your services

The creation of your personal account "Individual "is free.

The publication of adverts is free and unlimited (included 10 photos and 3 videos)

If you don't want to take advantage of this free offer, you can choose a pay subscription with additional services.

Expand your business with offers tailored to your industry

Communication and digital marketing services for SMBs.
Be visible at the right time and the right place when your future clients are looking for you.
We operate in the background for you, in an intelligent and optimized manner so that you will never again miss another client.

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Startup Moyen

« Virtual showcase + commercial ads + digital marketing » included Solutions adapted to your needs, whatever the size, configuration or industry of your startup

Ideal for startups and sole proprietors who are looking for results. This package includes additional options to improve your online visiblity, as well as the creation of a web site to showcase your products and services, web marketing services, and organic SEO

Services and benefits include

  • Choice of customized designs (choose from multiple premium templates)
  • Create your website or professional showcase with organic SEO
  • Your site is listed in our local and international business directories
  • Geolocation of your website or professional showcase on Google Local and Google Maps
  • 1 domain name offered (www.your-name.com)
  • Publiez vos annonces commerciales en format Word et PDF
  • Autorisation des pièces jointes. Acceptez les dossiers via le formulaire de contact
  • Geolocalization of your ads on Google Maps and Google Local
  • Ciblage linguistique et géographique. Publiez ou traduire vos annonces en multilingue
  • Automatic ads attached to your showcase
  • Saisir 5 mots clés sur votre annonce pour les moteurs de recherche « SEO – Organique »
  • Automatic publication of your ads on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+
  • Multicast gateway to publish your ads onto partner websites
  • Unlimited publication of your commercials and advertisements with 20 photos and 3 videos included
  • Hard return link to optimize your search engine ranking (SEO)
  • Detailed ad statistics
  • Detailed statistics for searches for and views of your company
  • Statics detailing the number of times your company has appeared in our directory
  • Monthly email with statistics and optimization advice
  • Payment by wire transfer
  • Online payment by credit or debit card
  • Possibilité de payer par virement bancaire à la réception de la facture

* Optionnel. Inclus dans l'offre « uniquement sur demande » | ** Soumise aux conditions (Offert uniquement pour l'abonnement de 12 mois)

Conditions and billing

  • 12 months
  • 21.08
  • 252.99   (-10%)

365 days free trial « satisfaction guaranteed »

Create and test a website or professional showcase with marketing and SEO included
Completely free for one month

Click here to benefit from a free 30 day trial offer!

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